About Me

Sadie is my daily companion and self-appointed protector.

My name is Susan Lebold. I live in Ann Arbor, Michigan but have lived in various places over my life, including Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. I even lived in Germany for a few years!

My professional career has included practicing law for fifteen years, then ten years as a community social worker working in the nonprofit human services world, and most recently providing consulting services and teaching at Wayne State University.

You may see me sometime in my camper NellyBly. I take her on the road whenever I can!

As a lawyer, I primarily represented children and families who struggle more than most of us to survive in this deeply divided world of ours. As a community social worker, I worked with organizations and public agencies looking to level the playing field and create access to opportunities for everyone. As a teacher I sought to instill the values and skills needed by the next generation of social workers committed to continuing the effort to make the world a better place for all who live in it.

Now that I’m retired I am pursuing various interests that were long put on hold. They have been piling up for years, so I will be spending my retirement chipping away at all the activities I never had time for. Hopefully my health holds out long enough for me to make it at least partway through the list of “must-dos.” You will no doubt hear about some of them on this blog!