Since I mentioned my past family newsletters in one of my posts, I thought I would make them available here for anyone interested. They were originally targeted toward the paternal (Lebold) side of my family so may be of highest interest to those particular relatives. Sadly, a number of the people who contributed to or are featured in some of the articles are no longer with us. What a difference ten years can make!

Among the mundane musings and reports, there is a fair amount of family history included about different branches of the Lebold settlers. When I took a look at these old issues I was surprised at the breadth and depth of the information included. Apparently even then I was trying to capture the various hidden and not-so-hidden “breadcrumbs” that lurked in memories and old boxes. I am very grateful for the participation of the family members who helped fill in many of the family gaps.

Also included in these newsletters are stories from and about some of the precious relationships my family has around the world. In my universe family isn’t only about “blood” but is defined by the closeness, love, and shared lives and experiences that transcend time, place and genealogy.