Family Breadcrumbs

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Alone But Not Alone

Being on the move as I am I spend most of my time doing fairly solitary things, whether it is driving, sitting in a restaurant, puttering around my camper and the campsites, grocery shopping, laundry, writing this blog, reading and catching up on news, etc. But every few days I have an opportunity to engage with someone for a time. The encounters are fun and memorable, and even though fleeting, they carry meaning and connection when you are otherwise traveling solo. For a brief bit of time you rejoin the human community, and can have a more interesting conversation than the one-sided ones you have with your dog all day long (or with yourself). I’ve written about several of these special people already, but here are some of the interesting folks I’ve come across in the last couple of weeks (who graciously permitted me to take a photo knowing it might end up here):

I may never see any of these people ever again, but they have enriched my life just the same (and they all have one of my bookmarks so there is in fact a way to stay in touch through this website). Human connection and finding meaning in life doesn’t have to be based on much. Openness to new experience. Curiosity about other lives and experiences. Willingness to listen and learn. And the joy and calm that comes from idle conversation with no agenda and no purpose other than sharing a bit of time together. The amazing beauty of our planet is made more significant when we are fortunate to cross paths with others who also enjoy getting up close and personal with such incredible magnificence.

Thank you to all you wonderful people for enriching my life and offering connection during those precious moments we spent together.