A Musical Remembrance: J’s Song
You never know in what forms kindnesses will cross your path. A few days ago I received an email from Tim Webster, probably Jay’s best friend at his old job. They were kindred spirits and, as heads of their respective departments, enjoyed a special camaraderie as their company went through various ups and downs over the years they worked there. I was busy in my own career at the time and I now regret that we didn’t spend more social time with Tim and his wife before Jay got sick. I didn’t realize what a special friend Tim was to Jay until close to the end of his illness (which I talk about briefly in my In The Beginning article). At that point the brain tumor had destroyed most of this brilliant scientist’s ability to communicate and he refused any visitors who were not close family members. But there were two special friends that Jay did want to see in those final weeks, and Tim was one of them. Tim was able to visit twice, once when Jay was still able to be up and engaged, although with great difficulty, and once in his final hours when he was in hospice. He was still “present” and aware of others but not able to respond.
I still miss this guy every single day.
I have heard from Tim a few times since that painful period, and it is always to share a story about something going on in his life that reminded him of his friend. I love the sporadic reminders that Jay remains alive and well through Tim’s memories of their friendship and good times and good conversations together.
Tim’s most recent communication was a surprise. Turns out (I had no idea) that Tim is a musician, among many other talents I’m sure. He had been thinking about and missing Jay and apparently sat down at his piano and let his heart guide his fingers on the keyboard. What came out was pure Jay. I don't know how he captured Jay so perfectly through music but he did.
Those of you who knew Jay will feel his gentleness, his curiosity, his humor, and his thoughtfulness as you listen. You will also hear Tim’s own regard and love for Jay in this song, as well as sadness that he isn't here. Finally, you will detect notes of celebration, mixed with wistfulness. Those of you who didn’t know Jay will, nevertheless, get a sense of who he was through these notes, and in any case will enjoy it on its own merits.
It is very special, and deserves a wider audience. With Tim’s permission, I’m happy to share it here. To Tim, thank you with all my heart for this musical tribute.